Talk:Articles on fracking
{{#Badges: FrackSwarm}}
This page is a general to-do list and a way of keeping track of ongoing projects by the FrackSwarm team. Others are welcome to jump in as well -- contact and for help on getting started.
After pages have been updated, please leave your initials and date completed next to the page indicted.
Need major work
Note: some of these state pages do not have active fracking/oil extraction. However, they may have proposed LNG terminals, fracsand operations, wastewater disposal and other extraction related things going on. We need to tidy these pages to reflect each state's current issues. If nothing is going on in these states, we need to reformat the page to indicate as much. Please see Hawaii and fracking as an example of this.
Washington State and fracking (NC)
Oregon and fracking (NC)
South Dakota and fracking (NC)
Iowa and fracking (NC)
Georgia and fracking (NC)
Florida and fracking (NC)
South Carolina and fracking (NC)
Indiana and fracking (NC)
Maine and fracking (NC)
Rhode Island and fracking (NC)
Canada and fracking (NC)
Offshore fracking (NC)
Routine Updating
This is a list of our most popular pages. As such, they need to be updated to reflect the most current information available. Many pages haven't been updated for over two years, please go through and make sure everything is as current as possible, updating where necessary. Please be cautious of redundancy on these individual pages. Keep in mind that certain updates may also fit nicely on other pages, so cross-post when you can. It's a big time saver.
Fracking (SH)
Ohio and fracking (NC)
Pennsylvania and fracking (NC)
Texas and fracking (NC)
North Dakota and fracking (JF)
Fracking and water consumption - (JF 8/14/15)
Fracking studies (JF)
Fracking and water pollution (JF)
Fracking and health effects (JF)
Obama administration actions on fracking (JF)
LNG Terminals (JF)
Marcellus Shale (JF)
Environmental impacts of fracking
Major Projects
We need to create individual LNG Terminals (including regasification terminals) based on those listed here and a few more that need to be added: LNG Terminals
Need to create pages for the following:
Carib Energy (JF)
Corpus Christi LNG (JF)
Freeport LNG (JF)
Jordan Cove LNG (NC)
Oregon LNG (JF)
Sabine Pass LNG (NC)