Tarong Energy

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This article is part of the Coal Issues portal on SourceWatch, a project of Global Energy Monitor and the Center for Media and Democracy. See here for help on adding material to CoalSwarm.

Tarong Energy is a publicly owned Queensland power generation company which also operates associated coal mines. On its website the company states that it operates the Tarong Power Station, the Tarong North Power Station, and Wivenhoe Power Station.

Mining projects

Tarong Energy also owns and operates the Meandu Mine and Kunioon Coal Project, as well as "coal resources in Queensland's Surat Basin."[1]

It also has mining leases over the Glen Wilga coal project, located approximately 12km southeast of Chinchilla, the Haystack Road coal project, located about 25km east of Chinchilla, and two other unnamed coal resources covered under exploration licences.[2]


Contact details

Level 13
42 Albert Street

GPO Box 800
Brisbane QLD 4001
Telephone: +61 7 3228 4333
Facsimile: +61 7 3228 4300
Website: http://www.tarongenergy.com.au/

Articles and resources


  1. Tarong Energy, "Who We Are", Tarong Energy website, accessed August 2010.
  2. Tarong Energy, "What We Do:Surat Basin Tenements", Tarong Energy website, accessed August 2010.
  3. Ash Development Association of Australia, "Membership", Ash Development Association of Australia website, accessed June 2011.

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