Tobacco Initials

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This stub is a work-in-progress by the journalists's group. We are indexing the millions of documents stored at the San Francisco Uni's Legacy Tobacco Archive [1] With some entries you'll need to go to this site and type into the Search panel a (multi-digit) Bates number. You can search on names for other documents also.     Send any corrections or additions to

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Note: The Swiss and Germans sometimes use a three-character initial system which uses the first character of the Christian name + the first and second characters of the Surname.

Since there are many hyphenated names and multiple first names, sometimes this is varied by first and third, or first and fourth. Another variation has the first two characters of the Christian Name to make a distinctive group if the company has individuals with similar standard initials. it seems to depend on whether associates generally use first, or only surnames in conversation.

For instance at the FTR branch of Philip Morris in Switzerland, we know that:

HGA is Helmut Gaisch, PIC is P Ceschini, RIT is Mitchell Ritter, RDE is Ruth Dempsey .. however MJA is JC Mandiratta (you figure).

ADCT   ADC Turner ('Clive') . BAT and Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK)
AEB   Andre Badstuber at Science & Technology, FTR/PM Neuchatel (Also ANB)
AGB   Aleardo G Buzzi . Philip Morris International + Europe
AGG   Anthony Garrett (Tony) Chairman of Imperial Tobacco in 1970s
AHD   Anne Duffin Tobacco Institute lobbyist and organiser
AHL   AH Laurene RJ Reynolds
AH   Alex Holtzman . Philip Morris New York office inhouse legal counsel
AJC   AJ Collingrdge. Imperial, Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK) 1983
AJN   Andrew J Nelmes . (Andy) Scientific Liason Gallagher
AJW   A. James Wilson Sir Chairman of the UK TAC and head of their research committee.
AJ   Anne Johnson Legal counsel for BAT below Nick Cannar.
AKC   A. Kay Comer BAT's document 'retention' expert
AMR   AM Reid BAT and TAC (also on SAWP) works politically for UK industry
ANB   Andre Badstuber S&T Neuchatel, and FTR division of Philip Morris Europe, in Switzerland
AR   Alan Rodgman RJR smoking and health research scientists, worked with the TI
AWF   Andrew W Foyle External lawyer for BAT, through Lovell White King/Durrant
AWS   Arthur Spears Lorrilard inhouse legal counsel and executive
AW   Andrew Whist Philip Morris Corporate Affairs (Australia, USA and global)
BAC   Board Allocated Contribution Philip Morris terminology for annual grants to think-tanks, etc as distinct from Pol/Civ or Admin
BBB   Bradley B Brooks . Philip Morris European Corporate Affairs executive
BEF   BE Frost Rothmans
BGE   B GERSTENBERG [Using the Swiss-German initial system]
C-G   Carl-Gustav Petersson Nisses air-quality testing company
CAT   Charles Tucker RJR representative on TI Executive and research committee.
CDB   CD Briggs. Gallaher
CGP   Carl-Gustav Petersson Nisses air-quality testing company
CG   Carl-Gustav Petersson Nisses air-quality testing company (Used as a nickname)
CHG   Clifford Goldsmith . Philip Morris headquarters executive
CHJ   Curtis Judge Lorillard key executive
CJD   Chris Dobbs tobacco lawyer at Dobbs & Neilsen in California
CJH   CJ Hill. Imperial Tobacco
CJP   Chrisopher Proctor of BAT in the UK, and also Covington & Burling in US.
CLF   Craig Fuller PM Corporate Scientific Affairs + Chairman of National Republican Committee.
CRLM   CRL Marchett Carraras Rothman, Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK) 1983
CTF   CT Fielden Gallagher, Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK) 1983
CWN   Charles Nystrom Worked on ICOSI/SAWP and with Frank Colby at RJ Reynolds
DAM   Daniel Milway Tobacco Institute Administrator
DB   DeBaun Bryant General legal counsel for B&W
DD   Darienne Dennis of PMI in New York
DEF   DE Ferrers On Public Relations committee of BAT
DJF   Dale Florio Philip Morris PR operation who left, set up own firm, and contracted back.
DKH   Don Hoel at Shook Hardy & Bacon (Kansas City, then London from mid-1990s) David Hardy also at SHB, but only Kansas City [Son of David R Hardy]
DLD   DL Davis (??Devra Lee Davis - antismoking researcher)
DL   David Laufer PM Corporate Affairs, top level management of political operations.
DM   D Milby. Philip Morris New York
DRH   David Ross Hardy Sn SH&B (died of heart attack 28 Sep 1976)
DSH   Don Harris Director of Media at the New York Corporate Affairs office of PM. Offsider to Andrew Whist. He had been in advertising, and later ran the Asian Tobacco Institute.
DS   D Spincer Imperial Tobacco
DTW   David T Westcott of Philip Morris in the UK
DVL   Derreck Littlejohn London-based PM executive
EAAB   Eric AA Bruell BAT executive officer
EDO   ED Oxberry Philip Morris
ERO   E Roemer [Using the Swiss-German initial system]
FAC   Fernard Leclerc RJR public relations in Canada
FER   Frank E Resnik . Philip Morris, Tobacco Technology Group & NY Office
FGC   Frank Colby RJ Reynolds chief science disinformation operator. He worked extensively in the USA and in Europe. A constant source of gossip and opinion.
FHD   FH Dulles Philip Morris Europe
GAW   Gerard Wirz . Philip Morris Europe (Brussels office)
GBL   George B Leslie . ARIA consultant - runs own consultancy business works for TAC and with lawyers C&B
GCB   Geoff C Bible . CEO and Chairman of Philip Morris Inc.
GD   G Diserens. Philip Morris
GFT   Geoffrey F Todd BAT Research Center and PR with Cambell-Johnson
GKR   GK Richardson BAT executive
GNB   GN Bindler of the R&D of Philip Morris at Neuchatel
GOK   G Osborn-King Carraras Rothmans & Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK) 1983
GSE   G SCHEPERS [Using the Swiss-German initial system]
GWM   GW Moore Carreras Rothmans Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK) 1983
GW   G Woodman. Imperial Tobacco
GW   George Weissman Philip Morris Inc
GW   Gerard Wirz Philip Morris Europe.
HBG   HB Grice Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK)
HCM   Harmon C McAllister of the CTR [Possibly another at the Tobacco Institute) Could be Hank Mozingo (brother of Roger)
HCR   Henry Roemer ("Jack") Assistant General Counsel at RJR
HC   Hugh Cullman . Philip Morris International (nephew of Joe Cullman)
HER   Helmut Reif FTR division of Philip Morris Europe, in Switzerland
HGA   Helmut Gaisch FTR division of Philip Morris Europe, in Switzerland[Using the Swiss-German initial system]
HG   HW Gaisch . Philip Morris's FTR division in Europe
HHM   probably HJ HAUSSMANN [Using a variation on the Swiss-German initial system]
HM   Hamish Maxwell Philip Morris Group chairman and CEO
HRK   Horace Kornegay Tobacco Institute President (ex Congressman)
HR   Helmut Reif FTR Switzerland Philip Morris
HSB   Hugh Brass In-house legal for PMI's Corporate Affairs in Brussels
HWG   Helmut W Gaisch Head of the FTR division of PM in Switzerland
IAM   Iancou A Marcovitch FTR division of Philip Morris Europe in Switzerland
ITL   Imperial Tobacco Ltd
JAG   Jim Goold Lawyer of RJ Reynolds
JBR   JB Robinson "Bernie" Robinson of Philip Morris International /Europe
JDB   JD Backhurst Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK)
JFC   Joseph Cullman 3rd CEO and Chairman of Philip Morris.
JGR   Jim Ramsey publications manager/speechwriter for Philip Morris
JJJM   Jerome JJ Mostyn , Public Relations at BAT
JJM   Jerome JJ Moyston BAT/Lovell White King PR/legal
JK   Jim Kuhlman A PM operator in California
JM   Janice McDaniel Philip Morris. / also J Mostyn at PR in BAT
JPR   John Rupp Covington & Burling. Primary science recruiter for the tobacco industry.
JPS   J Paul Sticht Exec Chairman at RJR
JRC   Jack Cherry ('John') Deputy General Counsel for Lorillard
JVS   Jacqueline Smithson Rothmans, convenor of Plain Pack Group.
JWO   JW Osborne Philip Morris scientific staff
JW   J Watling BAT Public Affairs department under Ely
KGO   KG Orloff RJ Reynolds S&H executive
KHO   KV HOLT [Using the Swiss-German initial system]
KJW   KJ Ware Philip Morris Europe
KNL   Kathleen Linehan ('Popsy') Philip Morris Government Affairs in Washington, later Europe
KSH   KS Houghton Philip Morris
LS   Lee Stitzenberger A professional lobbyist and manipulator who worked for the tobacco industry through the Dolphin Group
MAM   Michael Miles Philip Morris CEO for a time (came from General Foods).
MAT   Mary Taylor Philip Morris PR operator in 1980s
MCB   MC Bourlas Philip Morris administrator/scientist in Lausanne
MDH   Michael Horst Corporate Affairs for PM EEC in Brussels
MHC   MH Chron Jr Scientific adviser at RJR Receiving medical reports from Frank Colby
MH   Max Hausermann Philip Morris and Council for Tobacco Research (CTR)
MJA   JC Mandiratta FTR division of Philip Morris Europe in Switzerland
MJL   M Leach BAT Public Affairs Depatment under Ely
MJS   MJ Scott BAT (of the UK), Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK)
MM   M Murray Philip Morris
MS   M Serrano Philip Morris
MWW   Martin W Whittaker Imperial Tobacco statistician and Secretary of the TAC Scientific Liason Committee.
MW   Martin Whittaker Imperial Tobacco statistician
NBC   Nicholas Cannar A top executive and legal lobbyist for British American Tobacco (and B&W)
OCS   Owen C Smith The Legal counsel in PM's headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland
PDC   PD Case British-American Tobacco (of the UK)
PEM   Peter Martin FER Division of Philip Morris in Switzerland
PGS   Peter G Sparber Tobacco Institute Issues Manager - later external consultant
PIC   P Ceschini Administrator at FTR division of Philip Morris Europe, in Switzerland
PI   Paul Isenring PM corporate manipulator in Lausanne in the 1970s
PMS   PM Steele Philip Morris UK, Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK) 1983
PMS   Patrick Sirridge Legal partner at Shook Hardy & Bacon
PMS   Peter Schuler S&H executive for RJR working in Europe (Switzerland)
PNL   Peter N Lee consultant to Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK)
PVO   P VONCKEN [Using the Swiss-German initial system]
PWK   Peter WW Kirk Imperial College London (also PWWK)
PWWK   Peter WW Kirk Imperial College London (also PWK) assistant to Roger Perry
RAB   Richard A Brown Philip Morris Companies Corp [personal assistant to Hamish Maxwell 1990]
RAC   Richard A Carchman ('Rich'). Philip Morris scientific administrator
RAP   RA Patrick. Gallaher
RBS   Robert B Seligman . R&D at Philip Morris
RDE   Ruth Dempsey at FTR 1995 in Switzerland
REM   Roy Morse RJR research scientist also on CTR board.
RET   Ray E Thornton . British-American Tobacco (of the UK) Issues Manager/Public Affairs
RE   Robert Ely BAT Public Affairs department
RHB   Rhenda Bolin RJ Reynold's literature research scientist
RHT   Ronald H Thomson Regional VP Europe for PM in Lausanne, Switzerland
RH   Richard Hines A Philip Morris political consultant/writer who also worked for the CIA.
RIT   Mitchell Ritter at the FTR Switzerland in 1995 making key IARC contacts
RJM   Richard Marcotullio RJ Reynolds organiser of whitecoat operations, member of SAWP, etc,
RJRT   RJ Reynolds Tobacco Inc
RKK   Robert Kaplan of PMI Corporate Affairs in New York.
RLOE   Robert LO Ely BAT head of the Public Affairs Department 1983 (also RE)
RM   Roy Marden Philip Morris's executive in charge of grants to think-tanks, etc.
RP   Roger Perry . Professor at Imperial College London
RRB   RR Bodall Gallagher
RRM   Ross Millhiser Philip Morris Inc. in New York +chairman of Tobacco Institute
RSW   RS Whiting Imperial Tobacco Advisory Council (of the UK) 1983
RS   Robert Suber (Bob) RJR toxicologist who worked with Steve Milloy on S&H issues.
RWM   R William Murray (Bill) CEO and Chairman of the Philip Morris group and key strategist. One of the troika which ran the company, and to a large extent, the tobacco industry.
RWW   RWJ Williams Rothmans International
SBW   Sam B Witt III Senior legal counsel, then VP of RJ Reynolds, then outside consultant
SCD   SC Darrah Philip Morris
SCP   Steve Parrish SH&B, then Philip Morris Europe from 1988, then PM USA
SDC   Sam Chilcote president of the Tobacco Institute
SGC   Stig Carlson Philip Morris EEMA in Europe
TAC   Tobacco Advisory Council of the UK industry
TBD   ??Media Relations Director at the Tobacco Institute.
TB   Tom Borelli science lobbyist at PM USA in New York
TG   Tony Garrett Chairman of Imperial Tobacco (Actually AG Garrett) in 1970s
THA   Thomas Ahrensfeld Philip Morris Europe and International + Tobacco Institute
TH   Thomas Humber Burson-Marsteller and Philip Morris
TH   Tom Hockaday A top lobbyist working for APCO
TMF   Timothy Finnegan Lawyer with Ed Jacobs who held the secret accounts for the tobacco industry.
TSO   Thomas S Osdene . (tom) Philip Morris USA
Note: There was also a Dr Tso of the Department of Agriculture.
TWK   Timothy W Kidd public relations at BAT
TW   Tina Walls An organiser working at Philip Morris New York office (also Europe)
UHA   U Hackenberg [Using the Swiss-German initial system]
VGN   Virgo Neilsen (Chip) tobacco lawyer at Dobbs & Nielsen in California
WAA   William A Adams (Bill) Tobacco Institute administrator
WD   Walter Demback RJR Cologne - involved in ICOSI and other tobacco scams.
WF   Walter Fink . Philip Morris Europe
WIC   William Campbell Top executive/strategist at Philip Morris USA (retired as CEO). " Now an executive with Citibank.
WJO   WJ O'Connor PM
WK   William Kensler Senior VP at the Tobacco Institute
WRE   W Reininghaus [Using the Swiss-German initial system]
WT   Walter Thoma . Philip Morris Europe -EEMA branch; PMI Corp Affairs
WWS   William W Shinn (Bill) Shook Hardy & Bacon