Zambia and coal

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{{#badges: CoalSwarm|NavbarZambiacoal}}Zambia has no coal-fired power generation, but has two plants currently in the proposal stage. The country is estimated to have between 10 megatons (Mt) and 30 Mt in coal reserves.


Zambia has produced coal since 1967. The majority of the coal is from the country's largest coal production site, known as the Maamba coal mine. Demand for coal is low in Zambia, with the coal industry itself consuming the majority of the coal produced in the country.[1]

Proposed coal plants

Articles and Resources


  1. Paul Baruya and John Kessels, "Coal prospects in Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia," IEA Clean Coal Centre, Dec 2013. The report is available for purchase.

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