ACIL Tasman

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ACIL Tasman is an economic consulting company which has been a key advocate for the coal and mining industries in Australia.

Modelling for coal clients

On its website ACIL Tasman states that "ACIL Tasman has substantial consultancy experience providing advice to the coal, petroleum and minerals industries both in Australia and internationally. We understand the importance of these resources to economic growth and prosperity, the role of government resources policy, and the requirements for infrastructure. Our knowledge as resource consultants has been gained in the course of analysing resource policy issues and resource projects in Australia and overseas since the 1980s. Our experience and expertise encompasses project evaluation, industry structure, energy market analysis, energy market modelling, public policy and regulation."[1]

Articles and Resources


  1. ACIL Tasman, "Coal, petroleum and minerals: economic consulting and assessment", ACIL Tasman website, accessed February 2013.

Related SourceWatch articles

External resources

ACIL Tasman reports

External Articles