Australian Coal Association

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The Australian Coal Association (ACA) is an industry lobby group that represents "the interests of the black coal producers in Australia - located predominantly in New South Wales and Queensland, the States that produce around 97 per cent of Australia's black coal."[1]

'Let's cut emissions, not jobs' advertising campaign

In late 2009 the ACA launched the "Let's cut emissions, not jobs" advertising campaign opposing the introduction of an emissions trading scheme. Advising on the campaign were advertising guru Neil Lawrence and the Liberal PR and lobbying firm, Crosby Textor.[2]

Member companies

The members of the ACA, as of April 2008, are[3]:


Contact Details

Level 3, MTAA House
39 Brisbane Avenue

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 9115

Phone: +61 2 6273 6044
Facsimile: + 61 2 6273 6060
Email: info AT

Articles and Resources


  1. " About the Australian Coal Association", accessed April 2008.
  2. Marian Wilkinson, Ben Cubby and Flint Duxfield, "Ad campaign aims to crush emissions trading plan", Sydney Morning Herald, November 7, 2009.
  3. Australian Coal Association, "ACA Member Companies", accessed April 2008.
  4. Australian Coal Association, "Dr Nikki Williams to lead Australian Coal Association", Media Release, August 28, 2011.
  5. Australian Coal Association, "Appointment of new Executive Director", Media Release, July 20, 2007.
  6. Australian Coal Association, "Ralph Hillman to retire", Media Release, August 22, 2011.

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