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The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a public broadcaster funded by a television licence fee on consumers. It started in 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company Ltd., then incorporated and nationalised in 1927 as The British Broadcasting Corporation.

British media watchdog Media Lens regularly critiques the pro-corporate bias of the BBC.

Spooks On The Job Selection Panel

Archived internal BBC documents from the 1980s, obtained by The Sunday Telegraph under Freedom of Information legislation, have revealed that until the late 1980s the British spy service, MI5, was used to vet existing and potential staff at the public broadcaster. The paper reported that the documents revealed that "at one stage it [MI5] was responsible for vetting 6300 BBC posts - almost a third of the total workforce." The BBC adopted "categorical denial" as its "defensive strategy" to deflect questions about the practice by unions. A March 1, 1985, memo suggested the best approach was "keep head down and stonewall all questions." [1]

BBC Trust

Accessed March 2012: [2]

BBC Trust (2009)

Accessed April 2009: [3]

Executive Board (2009)

Accessed April 2009: [4]

Critical Books

  • Robert Waller, Shadow of Authority (1956).
  • Tom O'Malley, Closedown?: BBC and Government Broadcasting Policy, 1979-92 (Pluto Press, 1994).
  • Simon James Potter, Broadcasting Empire: The BBC and the British World, 1922-1970 (Oxford University Press, 2012).

Contact Details


Resources and articles

Related Sourcewatch articles


  1. [1]
  2. BBC Truste, organizational web page, accessed March 24, 2012.
  3. BBC Trust, BBC, accessed April 22, 2009.
  4. Executive Board, BBC, accessed April 22, 2009.

External links