E.ON Energie

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E.ON Energie describes itself as "Europe's largest privately owned provider of energy services".[1]

Carbon Capture and Storage

E.ON Energie has been one of the major companies promoting the concept of Carbon Capture and Storage as a 'solution' to the greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fuel power stations. In 2008, E.ON Energie was one of a consortium of companies which funded the International Risk Governance Council to prepare a 32-page paper titled Regulation of Carbon Capture and Storage. (The other funders were the Allianz Technology Center on behalf of the Dresdner Bank Foundation, Resources for the Future (RFF) and Swiss Re.)[2]

Proposed Coal Power Stations

Contact details

Hauptverwaltung E.ON Energie AG
Brienner Straße 40
80333 München
Phone: 0 89 - 12 54 - 01
Fax: 0 89 - 12 54 - 39 06
Website (English): http://www.eon-energie.com/pages/eea_en/E.ON_Energie/Portrait/index.htm

Articles and Resources


  1. "Energy for Europe", E.ON Energie website, accessed December 2008.
  2. International Risk Governance Council, Regulation of Carbon Capture and Storage, Policy Brief, International Risk Governance Council, 2008, page 2.

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External Articles

E.ON Energie Media Releases

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