Nikki Williams

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{{#badges: CoalSwarm|Navbar-Australiacoal}}Nikki Williams (who is occasionally referred to as Nicole B. Williams) is the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Coal Association (ACA).[1] Williams was appointed following the abrupt dumping in August 2011 of Ralph Hillman, part way through the debate in the Australian parliament over the proposed carbon tax.[2]

Finishing up at the NSW Minerals Council

Prior to commencing with the ACA in November 2011 Williams was the CEO of the NSW Minerals Council. Thanking Williams for her work, Chairman and Xstrata Coal Group Executive Mick Buffier stated that "from supporting the current government’s Work Health and Safety Act and calling for more infrastructure investment in mining regions to defending the industry against policies like the previously proposed industrial manslaughter laws and the Resources Super Profits Tax, Nikki has led the way." Buffier also credited her with initiating the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue "where the region’s miners want to work with government and the community to address the cumulative impacts of the region’s growing mines."[3]

In a media release the ACA stated that "Williams has been at the forefront of the climate change debate since 1989 during the international negotiations for the first climate change treaty signed in Rio in 1992. She has held senior commercial roles with Shell and Exxon in Africa, Asia and Europe, operating across the coal, oil, gas and chemical industries."[1]

Promoting the futility of anti-coal activism

"Withdrawing our coal exports to crunch supply in the hope of encouraging the use of alternative sources of energy wouldn't even rate a hiccup" Willaims told the Sydney Morning Herald in late 2006. "World coal consumption is roughly 5 billion of tonnes per year. Our state exports around 89 million tonnes per year, so it is a drop in the ocean compared to the global demand and consumption. It's important to point out that when the industry says, 'If we don't dig it up, someone else will', it is not to ignore the problem or our role in the solution. What we're saying is, 'Look, what we do is not perfect but we're working on the solution. In the meantime we're keeping the lights on, driving the economy, creating jobs and attracting investment to our state."[4]

Articles and resources


  1. 1.0 1.1 Australian Coal Association, "Dr Nikki Williams to lead Australian Coal Association", Media Release, August 28, 2011.
  2. Australian Coal Association, "Ralph Hillman to retire", Media Release, August 22, 2011.
  3. NSW Minerals Council, "CEO moves to Australian Coal Association", Media Release, August 28, 2011.
  4. Wendy Frew, "King coal under siege", Sydney Morning Herald, December 2, 2006.

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External resources

Profiles of Williams

Articles and interviews with Williams

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