Amasra Bartın power station

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Amasra Bartın power station is a proposed 1,200-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station in Bartın province, Turkey.

The proposal is different from the HEMA Amasra power station.


The map below shows Amasra district, the proposed location for the plant.

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Background on Plant

The coal-fired Amasra Bartın power station has been proposed by Bati Karadeniz Elektrik Üretim A.Ş., a subsidiary of the diversified Turkish company Hattat Holding. Different iterations of the project have been proposed by different companies, all of which are however subsidiaries of Hattat Holding: "Amasra power station", "Bartın power station," "Hema integrated power station," and "Western Black Sea (Batı Karadeniz) integrated power station." Turkish MP Muhammet Rıza Yalçınkaya, a prominent critic of the project, has demanded clarity from Hattat on which proposal it was actually pursuing.[1]

According to CAN Europe, licenses are being pursued for the 1,100 MW HEMA Amasra power station and 1,200 MW Amasra Bartın power station.[2]

Since the proposal Hattat Holding has been having problems securing financing. The project's EIA has since been cancelled and the proposal does not appear on Turkey's EMRA license/permit lists as of June 2017.[3]

As of June 2019 there has been no further progress and the project appears to be cancelled.

Opposition to Amasra Bartın power station

Residents of Bartın protest against the proposed Amasra Bartın power station in 2010.[4]

The proposal to build the Amasra Bartın plant and HEMA plant has faced significant public opposition, both in Amasra and in the provincial capital of Bartın, mainly on the grounds that pollution from the plant would hurt tourism and damage the local environment. Protests have been led by the Bartın Platform, created in April 2010, which has coordinated amongst many stakeholders in the region that are opposed to the plant. 10,000 residents of Bartın held a protest against the plant in April 2010, and later that year a petition against the plant collected 30,000 signatures. Public permitting meetings have also been disrupted by local residents.[5]

In July 2013, Muhammet Rıza Yalçınkaya, an MP from the opposition Republican People's Party, called on the Ministry of Environment & Urban Planning to reject the projects.[6]

In December 2017, company workers destroyed 180 olive trees in an attempt to circumvent a law that prohibits coal plants within a 3 km radius of olive groves traditionally used by local populations. The following day, Directorate of Agriculture officials took record of the cut trees and told the Head of the Village (Muhtar) that they would fine the company, as cutting down trees without obtaining permits is unlawful.[7]

Project Details

  • Sponsor: Bati Karadeniz Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.
  • Parent company: Hattat Holding
  • Location: Amasra district, Bartın province, Turkey
  • Coordinates: 41.72704, 32.34971 (exact)
  • Status: Cancelled
  • Capacity: 1,200 MW (Units 1-2: 600 MW)
  • Type: Supercritical
  • Projected in service:
  • Coal type: Bituminous
  • Coal source:
  • Source of financing:

Articles and resources


  1. Yalçınkaya: İsim karışıklığı giderilmeli,, July 18, 2013.
  2. Communication with CAN Europe, Nov 2015
  3. "Environmental Inventory: EIA decisions," Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, updated May 6, 2017
  4. Pearl of the Black Sea Coast Faces Threat from ‘Black Diamonds’, Today's Zaman, Apr. 8, 2012.
  5. Public Outcry in District of Amasra of Bartin Province on Black Sea Coast of Turkey, Energy News Turkey, Nov. 25, 2010.
  6. Yalçınkaya, Termik Santral Projesinin İptal Edilmesinin İstedi, Haberler, July 18, 2013.
  7. Eduardo Santaela, "It’s been 12 years, 180 trees, and Amasra will not yield,", December 28, 2017

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