Kemerköy power station

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Kemerköy power station is a 630-megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant in Muğla province, Turkey.


The undated satellite photo below shows the plant, which is near Türkevleri and Kemerköy, Muğla province.

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Background on Plant

The three 210-MW coal-fired units of the Yeniköy mine-to-mouth coal-fired power plant were commissioned between 1994 and 1995. The construction of the plant took place between June 1984 and August 1993. The 1st and 2nd units became operational in 1994 and the 3rd unit became operational in 1995. Coal for the plant comes from an adjacent lignite mine. The plant has been owned by IC İÇTAŞ Energy – LİMAK Energy since 2014.[1]

Kemerköy is among three plants - along with Yatağan power station and Yeniköy power station - planned for rehabilitation in Muğla province, to extend the life of the plants by up to 30 years. Many residents oppose the rehabilitation.[2]

Plant Details

  • Owner: Yeniköy Kemerköy Elektrik[3]
  • Parent company: IC Holding (via IC İçtaş Enerji), and Limak Holding
  • Location: Kemerköy, Muğla province, Turkey
  • Coordinates: 37.0346, 27.901 (approx)
  • Status: Operating
  • Gross capacity: 630 MW
  • Start year: 1994 (Units 1-2), 1995 (Unit 3)
  • Type: Subcritical
  • Coal type: Lignite
  • Coal source: Yeniköy coal mine, Turkey
  • Source of financing: İş Bankası, Ziraat, Garanti[4]
  • WRI ID: WRI1018708
  • EBC ID: TR-16

Articles and resources


  1. Kemerköy Thermal Plant, company website, retrieved Jan. 2018.
  2. "The Real Costs of Coal: Muğla," CAN Europe, July 2019
  3. "YENİKÖY KEMERKÖY," company website, accessed June 2018
  4. "Coal & Climate Change - 2017," Önder Algedik, Aug 2017

Related SourceWatch articles

External resources

Wikipedia:Gökova Temik Santrali(sic)